Visual Models of Dynamical Systems
Материал из TDS
(Перенаправлено с VisModelsDS)
Russian Version |
Mandelbrot and Julia sets Author: M.Polyakova (FIVT MIPT) | |
Limit polynomials of Chacon3 transformation Author: A.Volkhin (FIVT MIPT) | Generalized Rauzy fractal: 3D-model Author: A.Taran (FIVT MIPT) |
Gaussian and Weyl sums Author: F.Korotkii (FIVT MIPT) | Attractors Author: R.Kislenko (FIVT MIPT) |
Ledrapier random field on the plane Z2 Author: D.Gusev (FIVT MIPT) | Random walk on the Lamplighter group L2 Authors: D.Anikushin (FIVT MIPT), A.Prikhodko (MSU, Dept. of Mechanics and Math.) |
Singular Salem measures of dynamical system origin Authors: D.Gusev (FIVT MIPT), A.Prikhodko (MSU, Dept. of Mechanics and Math.) | |
LIFE game on the 2-torus Authors: A.Smaleva, I.Khuziev (FIVT MIPT) |